Dark Days, Denouements and Departures.
Gomez fought on, briefly aided by the willing samurai and the african warlord, but eventually he was left alone on the banks of the Tarn, like a shipwreck survivor thrown by Neptune upon the beach to live a little more and with lions, dragons and witches all around! How could he survive? He spent his days attempting to solve the riddle of Paolo's decption, all the while dreaming of Pharisees and benign moments as he wearied of the battle.
Meanwhile Paolo raged gloriously upon his enemies, bringing a raucous demise to all that withstood him. But with each sun cycle he slipped a little further away from his kith Sir Gomez, formerly known as the Annihilator of Gaps but now known as simply Sir Gomez, and a little more under the dreaded enchantment of the foul sorceror who shadowed his every step.
After consulting with some passing gypsys, Gomez became aware that he may not be able to free Paolo without violence or without severely harming Paolo. As a noble knight, he was unable to jettison his honour and slay Auhsoj who, being a weak and lowly creature, was an unfit opponent for Sir Gomez. Furthermore, Paolo was entrapped to a degree that forcibly removing him from the parasitic grasp of the enchanter may kill him as the shock of freedom in the soul after many hours of slavery can overwhelm and smother it.
What was Gomez to do? He knew that his weakening swordarm could not protect him much longer, and that without his battle brother he would soon fall victim to a gap, dragon or perhaps some soupy miasma of the mind. He decided that he would travel to the spiritual homeland of Knights Errant, great England, here he could restore his strength and consult with sages on how to free Paolo. Paolo would be set free to face his darkest hour alone, this was not a decision easy to make for Gomez, but he knew that man's greatest battles are always fought with himself and ultimately must always be made alone, in the silence, and in the dark, with neither witness nor glory.
As Gomez prepared to leave he noticed that the darkness was spreading, the embattled sun, bastion of light, struggled each day to raise himself above the horizon and give the grace of his blessing to those upon the rocks. Also, nature showed the effects of declining magnificence, as trees came near to death, dropping all their beautiful leaves like so many letters from scorned lovers. Weary was the heart of Sir Gomez, formerly known as the Annihilator of Gaps but now known as simply Sir Gomez, and as he said his goodbyes he wondered what the fate of his heroic friend would be. They two who had travelled so far and stood fast against such great adversity were now speeding apart like two collided meteors.
Four hours later.
Welcome to the present! Unfortunately our present system is currently out of order, please wait until the present becomes history and speak to our history department.
Alternatively, stay tuned for the exciting installment of the second sally of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem. Will they reunite and annihilate gaps in all forms and sizes? Will they seek other paths and sell vegetables in a small market somewhere in Hertfordshire? What did happen to Sir Paolo when he travelled to the blue waters and escaped his enchantment?