Chronique de la Haine Ordinaire
See this image of Gomez acknowledging upon his arm in the blood of orcs his admiration for Paolo's achievement.
Paolo's strength gave Gomez renewed hope in his own struggle and he redoubled his efforts in overcoming the the massive slabs and myriad mazes of faces on the great beast known as the Gap of all gaps. Many times he sought to annihilate, but each time he failed and only a magical cord given him by an enchanter, which acted like an umbilical lifeline, saved him from an early handshake with destiny. Eventually, Gomez wounds became so great, and the darkness seemed to surround him amid bursts of bright light, he faltered and fell. To his good fortune he was rescued by a humble samurai and made his escape with the assistance of this samurai, defeated, but alive to fight again another day.
However, this important defeat weighed heaily upon Sir Gomez, who no longer felt he could lay claim to the title the Annihilator of Gaps. His sword hand became weary and his shield was riddled with holes. He needed the aid of a hospital and some heavy cheese. His will was battered like so many fish, and his hope chipped. He cried out "Take these hands, and throw them in the river!"
In this, the time of weakness, and the lowest ebb of the holy light of St John of Jerusalem, an evil presence entered the brotherhood. An evil succubus in a devious doppelgangerish form laid siege to the hate-free benevolence of Sir Paolo, and he was pulled away from his Knightly duty of aiding the forlorn Sir Gomez. Paolo travelled with the disgusting and enormous Auhsoj away from the company of Sir Gomez, who was left with the brave samurai and the insane African warlord Deon the Huge.
Gomez fled from the Gap and sought salvation in the blessed waters of the Holy Tarn, where his wounds might be repaired and his honour restored. He also hoped to rescue Sir Paolo from the danger of which he had no idea...